The Polling App

The Polling App


The Polling App is a great feature for use live on air. It's a tool to help engage with your audience and get live statistics on an open topic.

Note - By design, all polls are only allowed one entry per number, no one can vote more than once.

How to Add the Polling App:

To add an application like the Polling App to Text Groove, visit How to Add an Application in the Text Groove Knowledge Base. Once added to Text Groove, the polling app will appear in the left side menu under "Apps". Click on "Polling App" to begin.

How to Create a Poll:

To begin, click the green "+ Add Poll" button.  Fill out each cell on the left. The column on the right describes each option.

Name of Poll - Name of the poll to keep it organized for your organization.

Assign to Sender - The number you would like your texts to come from (drop down list will only show available options - shows station number).

Mark Incoming Messages as Read - This will mark incoming messages that trigger the keyword as read in the main sender window.

Disable Instant Incoming Messages - This will disable the instant page update on the main sender page as to not flood your messages with polling entries.

Hide Message from Text Groove interface - Hide message from Text Groove interface when viewing profiles under a specific sender.

Disable external notifications - This will prevent any external notifications from being processed like sending emails or webhooks.

Type of Poll:
  1. Keyword: Provide a keyword and any text sent after the keyword will be grouped together as a new poll option and counted. Doing a poll this way allows for an infinite number of answers.
    1. Example - If you asked for listeners to text in their favourite movie, you could set the polling keyword as "Movie", and the listener could then text in any movie they wanted after texting "Movie".  If they sent "Movie The Mummy", then "The Mummy" would automatically be added as a column in the poll, and anyone else that sent in "Movie the mummy", would be counted towards that option as well.
  2. Option: You provide a pre-set list of options (up to 10) and any text containing those options will be counted. Doing a poll this way allows you complete control of the options.
    1. Example - You want to settle a debate as to which movie is the best in "The Mummy" franchise. So you create a poll with three options; "Mummy" (for "The Mummy"), "Returns" (for "The Mummy Returns") and "Scorpion" (for "The Scorpion King"). Listeners would then have to choose one of those three options that you created to submit their vote.  
Autoreply Message - This is the message that will be automatically sent back to the listener that triggers that successfully enters the poll. 
Once all of these fields and options have been completed and selected, click "Create Poll".

Note - Once created, polls can be edited by clicking the blue "Edit Poll" button next to their name in the main polling app window.

Viewing Polls In Action:

Click the green "View Results" icon next to the poll you'd like to review.

This view is live and reactive with incoming messages.

Disable and Deleting a Poll:

Once you are done with a poll, be sure to disable or delete it by clicking the yellow "Disable" button, or the red "Delete Poll" button next to its name in the main Polling App window. If you do not do this, the poll will keep running, and texts will keep triggering it.

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