Automatic Replies are a scheduled and automated reply that you can set and forget. They can be used in a number of ways including managing your listeners expectations and as another option to monetize your texting line.
How To Create An Automatic Reply:
Once signed in to Text Groove, hover over the Left Side Menu and click on "Automatic Replies", then click "Manage" in the drop down menu.
Click the green "+ Add Automatic Reply" button at the top of the page.
Now begin filling in the information:
Name - Give the automatic reply a name - for internal use and organization.
Description - Appears on the Automatic Reply list - for internal use and organization.
Message to Send - Type the message you would like to be automatically sent.
Frequency to Send Message - How often would you like the message to be sent?
For example, if you select 24 hours, the auto reply will be sent once every 24 hours per sender when the automatic reply is active, regardless of how many messages are received.
- Only Send Once - Auto reply will only ever be sent once, regardless of how often an incoming message is received. (We recommend this setting for a a "First Time Texter" Automatic Reply).
- Every Message - Auto reply will send on every incoming message (within certain receiving limits).
- Once Every Occurrence - Auto reply will go out once each time the assigned automatic reply time expires. For example, if you specify the automatic reply to run for 15 minutes 3 times a day, then the auto responder would go out during each time bracket.
- Every * Hours - Auto reply will go out once during the time frame selected, regardless of how many times the automatic reply is called or messages are received.
Once set, click the green "Save Automatic Reply and Assign Now" button at the bottom of the page.
How To Schedule An Automatic Reply:
Once you have made an Automatic Reply, you then have to schedule how and when the Automatic Reply goes out.
You can also access this page any time by hovering over the Left Side Menu and clicking "Automatic Replies", then click "Assignments" in the drop down menu. This will take you to the Calendar View page. In order to schedule an Automatic Reply, simply click on the date you would like to start using the automation and click "Yes" on the pop up window. Then, fill out the fields on the following page:
Select Sender - Select the station number you want this automatic reply to be assigned to.
Select Flow - Choose the Automatic Reply you want to set.
Start Date / Time - Select your exact day and time you want to start the Automatic Reply.
End Date / Time - Select your exact day and time you want to stop the Automatic Reply.
Recurring? - Can be set as the following:
Does not repeat, Daily, Weekly on *Set Day*, Monthly on *Set Day*, Annually on *Set Day*, Every Weekday M-F, Every Weekend (Sat-Sun).
NOTE - In order to set an assignment to run all day, every day like a "First Time Texter" Automatic Reply; you need to set it to run from Midnight tomorrow, to Midnight the following day (if today is the 23rd, you would need to set the start time from 00:00 on the 24th to 00:00 on the 25th) and then select "Daily" in the "Recurring?" field selector.
Once these fields are set, click the green "Assign Automatic Reply to Sender" button at the bottom of the page.
Once you schedule the Automatic Reply, you can review what automations you have assigned on the Calendar View page. Assignments can be deleted from this Calendar View by clicking on them, then clicking "Delete".
Hint - Two Automatic Replies that we typically suggest setting up right away are a "First Time Texter Reply" as well as a "Unmanned Station Reply".
The "First Time Texter Reply" should be set to run all day, every day, and to only send once. This will send an automatic reply to any new number that texts in to that particular Sender. Have the Automatic Reply Message set to have a friendly greeting and asking for the contacts Name, Email, and any info they want to share it with you. This is a good way to get consent from a Contact to add their information to their Contact Account right away.
The "Unmanned Station" reply should be scheduled for anytime you don't have someone live in studio. That way the listener can text in to the station and still get a reply letting them know that the station is unmanned, and their text will not be read or replied to until someone is back in studio.